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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Getting Ready to Leave and Bumps Along the Way

As everyone probably already knows Israel has entered Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. There has been non-stop missile fire on us in Israel. Israel has ordered 40,000 reservists to be drafted. If we are called up we will have to postpone the trip, because our country comes first.

But other than for that...
Tani is flying next week! And I'm flying the week after!

We decided that we wanted to buy a dash-cam for the car, so we can film the drive. I remembered that a certain gas station at the Shimshon intersection sold the dash-cam for cheap.

We walked into the gas station, and asked to see the dash-cam. As I'm looking at the camera the cashier tells me that it's the last one they have, so it's on sale at the price of 100 Shekels. After checking the camera I requested that he go into the ware-room to check if there are any other ones left. Around five minutes pass before he comes back with a different camera, but says it will cost 250 Shekel for this one since its a more advanced model. I requested to open it in order to compare it the first, and the cashier allowed. Once opening it I realized this dash-cam was the same exact model as the first, just in a different box. I confronted the cashier about the fact that he just tried to trick and rip us off. The manager of the branch not wanting Tani and I to cause trouble offered us both cameras for 100 Shekel each. In the end we saved 150 shekels, and bought two dash-cams.

We've been going through some of our equipment at home to see what we wanted to bring.
So here they are:

Tent: Sleeps two

Mickey cleaning the tent

1. 2 Dash-cams + Parts
2. 2 digital cameras
3. Solar Lighter
4. 2 Sleeping Bags
5. Tent

By Mickey Polevoy

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