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Monday, August 11, 2014

Washington DC, Old Virginia, Southern North Carolina, Peaceful South Carolina, and Lovely Georgia

Washington DC

The trip started horribly, because Washington DC is very complicated to navigate through. Tani got lost trying to drive to the Union Train Station, and the battery in his phone died . After twenty minutes of waiting for him, when he was supposed to be there two hours earlier,  we drove to the Alamo car rental station in Reagan National Airport to figure out why they overcharged us by four hundred dollars. We started the trip around four hours late.


We went to a Walmart in Luray,  Virginia to pick up our supplies. Driving through the countryside was our real first exposure to the South. 

On the first night we drove down Skyline Drive in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia to Loft Mountain Campgrounds, which is beautiful by the way. We arrived at around midnight, and set up camp fast. We set up the site in complete silence in order not to wake up the other campers in the vicinty. We'ld set up the campsite by twelve thirty. We stayed awake in order to talk then went to sleep around one thirty.

When we awoke in the morning we went on an hour long hike on a trail through the mountains. It was probably the greenest hike I have ever been on. In the middle of the hike we spotted a deer with huge antlers. We stood silently watching him, and trying not to frighten it. It was extremely cute. 

After the trail we continued our drive down Blue Ridge Parkway. Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway are the most beautiful roads I have ever been on,  and have amazing views and outlook points. 

At a certain point we pulled off Blue Ridge Parkway and continued to North Carolina.

North Carolina

We arrived in Pilot Mountain National Park around nine pm and set up camp. After our first real day real driving I was very agiagitated and cranky. It's funny because Tani does all the driving,  but I am the most tired out of the two of us. Sitting and riding along is not easy. Especially because I have nothing to do all day, and go stir crazy. 

I bashed my finger in the door while setting everything up, and it hurt for three days. It's still blackish. 

Pilot Mountain was not that nice so we continued on our journey down towards Charlotte. On the way to Charlotte we stopped at a Racing Museum dedicated to Dale Earnhardt, which was a lot of fun.  It was also Tani's first real exposure to the true American sport of NASCAR.

Once arriving in Charlotte we got a bit lost,  and could not find the Chabbad there. We went around trying to find a motel. First we pulled into a motel that I swear had a meth lab.  We saw three huge ghetto guys get into a black SUV,  and a bunch of girls with a questionable occupation in the area. We moved on. Then we accidentally entered a clinic for addictive illnesses thinking it was a motel. As we were walking into the clinivlc a ghetto girl from the hood started singing and dancing like a retard in her car. We only realized it was a clinic once we entered and saw cops and drug addicts. We finally arrived at our less dangerous but still dangerous motel. 

We spent Shabbos in the motel,  and almost died of boredom, hotdogs, and cold chicken. After Shabbos we hit the streets of Charlotte which is beautiful. The city has tons to do for all ages and it is amazing. I recommend going there. 

We left early Sunday morning to Georgia.

South Carolina

We basically just passed through on the way to Atlanta, looks amazing though. Fireworks everywhere.
We did stop at a Revolutionary War battle field and went to it's museum which was interesting. It had a Hald hour movie about the battles in the area. 


We arrived in Atlanta around noon,  and went to the Georgia Aquarium. I got to see my sharks, and we went to a dolphin show which was really cool. We drove by
Martin Luther King Jr.'s home, and went to the Olympic Park. 


We've been pulling off the highways randomly and driving through the boondocks and going to just about every old battlefield that we see on the way. We are really enjoying the trip, but still miss home!!!!
Sorry I can't blog more often either we don't have reception or internet or we're just too tired.

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